Beer List: Feb 13-19.

Valentine’s Day BONANZA!

Five Dollar Beers

Mango Dry-Hopped Doing it Extreme.  What’s more extreme than our Coriander IPA? Adding mango. What’s more extreme than that? Dry hopping it with a ludicrous amount of citra. What a mouthful! 5.8% ABV. 12oz pour.

Copper Ale.  Old and busted: Amber ales. New and un-crusted: This aroma-forward amber-colored ale made with Citra hops. 6.0% ABV. 16oz pour. 

Session IPA. This low ABV baller is made with ashburne mild malt and dry-hopped with Ekuanot, an intensely aromatic hop that provides fruit and pepper notes. 4.5% ABV. 16oz pour.

Little Brown. This session brown has a silky body and a complex aroma of cinnamon and raisins. 4.0% ABV. 16oz pour.

Blonde. Our flagship blonde has a beguiling aroma thanks to cardamom and telicherry black pepper and a refreshing, crisp finish thanks to black tea added at the end of the boil. 4.5% ABV. 16oz pour.

Meteor IPA. Flagship IPA from the brewery least likely to have one. 5.1% ABV. 16oz pour..

Black Wheat.  This pitch black wheat beer is given a lively kick of acidity from coldbrew coffee, courtesy of COMA coffee. 6.8% ABV. 16oz pour.

Six Dollar Beers

Ruby Gruit.  Ruby colored gruit filtered through cedar branches and bittered with birch bark. 6.6% ABV. 12oz pour.

AIPA.  This copper-colored IPA is aggressively hopped and dry-hopped with Loral hops, which give the beer a unique floral and herbal aroma. 8.1% ABV. 12oz pour. 

Mahlab ESB.  This Extra Special Bitter is made extra special by Mahlab, the pits of Ste. Lucie cherries. Used in Turkish baked goods, this beer has a sweet, spicebread aroma but a crisp, bitter finish. 5.5% ABV. 16oz pour.

Lavender Chicory Gruit. This herbal brown beer is made with lavender and chicory instead of hops. 6.5% ABV. 12oz pour. 

Chinese 5 Spice Porter. Crisp, dry porter made with cinnamon, star anise, szechuan pepper, fennel and clove. 6.5% ABV. 16oz pour.

Coconut Dark Mild. Our dark, very sessionable British style aged on toasted coconut. 4.0% ABV. 16oz pour. 


Seattle Cider. It’s a semi-dry cider, made in Seattle. Gluten free. 6.0% ABV. 12oz pour. $6

Stag. Belleville’s greatest contribution to human history. 5.0% ABV. 16oz pour. $3