Ujima Café popup dinner and fundraiser on Sunday from 5 to 9! Pay what you want to support this unique group whose work on access to healthy foods is changing lives in the metro area!
Also check out our events calendar!
Five Dollar Beers
Earthbound Blonde. Our flagship blonde has a beguiling aroma thanks to cardamom and telicherry black pepper and a refreshing, crisp finish thanks to black tea added at the end of the boil. 4.5% ABV. 16oz pour.
Open Source Brown. This dry, light brown ale is brewed with Belma hops, which provide strawberry and orange cream aromas. 5.3% ABV. 16oz pour.
Gravois Park Pils. We did it! We made a lager! Polish-inspired pilsner. Very crisp, Pronounced hop bitterness. 4.20% ABV. 16oz pour.
Thai Basil IPA. Very light bodied IPA made with jaggery (a semi-refined date sugar) and a generous quantity of thai basil, for aroma. 7.4% ABV. 16oz pour.
Mahlab ESB. This Extra Special Bitter is made extra special by Mahlab, the pits of Ste. Lucie cherries. Used in Turkish baked goods, this beer has a sweet, spicebread aroma but a crisp, bitter finish. 5.4% ABV. 16oz pour.
Meteor IPA. Flagship IPA from the brewery least likely to have one. 5.1% ABV. 16oz pour.
Irish Red. Our best selling beer. Traditional, malty, crisp mineral finish. 5.1% ABV. 16oz pour.
Six Dollar Beers
Tea Gose. This gose is made with sea salt, coriander and hibiscus tea blend. 4.7% ABV. 12oz pour.
Fuzzy Pickles. This gose is dry-hopped with sorachi ace hops, a hop varietal that smells like dill and lemongrass. Try it, you’ll like it! 6.0% ABV. 16oz pour.
Thunder Dȏme IPA . LISTEN TO THE LAW! Two beers enter, one beer leaves! This black IPA is made with lactose, mango and chili piquin! 5.0% ABV. 12oz pour.
Dead Druid King. It’s back! Based on Bavarian tomb findings from 800BC, this black wheat beer is bittered with oak leaves instead of hops. Complex and slightly sour, released only once a year. 7.0% ABV. 12oz pour.
Bière de Garde. Traditional Franco-Belgian style. More like Bière de Goode. 6.3% ABV. 16oz pour.
Seattle Cider. It’s a semi-dry cider, made in Seattle. Gluten free. 6.0% ABV. 12oz pour. $6
Stag. Belleville’s greatest contribution to human history. 5.0% ABV. 16oz pour. $3