CAPES AND FOG MACHINES, our inaugural spooky dance party, is Friday October 25! Check out our monthly calendar for info on all the cool stuff we’re doing!
Earthbound Blonde. Our flagship blonde has a beguiling aroma thanks to cardamom and telicherry black pepper and a refreshing, crisp finish thanks to black tea added at the end of the boil. 4.5% ABV. 16oz pour.
Gruit out of Hell. Inspired by one of the greatest albums of all time, our only pumpkin beer is made with beets, sumac, yarrow and chipotle peppers. 4.1% ABV. 12oz pour.
Saison of the Witch. A beguiling black saison made with midnight wheat, cardamom and orange peel. 8.50% ABV. 12oz pour.
Thai Basil IPA. Very light bodied IPA made with jaggery (a semi-refined date sugar) and a generous quantity of thai basil, for aroma. 7.4% ABV. 16oz pour.
Mahlab ESB. This Extra Special Bitter is made extra special by Mahlab, the pits of Ste. Lucie cherries. Used in Turkish baked goods, this beer has a sweet, spicebread aroma but a crisp, bitter finish. 5.4% ABV. 16oz pour.
Meteor IPA. Flagship IPA from the brewery least likely to have one. 5.1% ABV. 16oz pour.
Demon Summoner. Is that brimstone? No! It’s beechwood smoked malt! Traditional German rauchbier. Amber colored, malty, lots of smoke. Some of you will love it. 5.5% ABV. 16oz pour.
Six Dollar Beers
Chicken and Waffles. This blonde ale is made with rye malt, smoked paprika and fenugreek (which smells like maple syrup). A little bit of salt adds richness. Have it for breakfast! 6.0% ABV. 16oz pour.
Immaculate Confection. Pastry stout made with mahlab, jaggery and lactose. 8.7% ABV. 12oz pour.
Satellite Gruit. A beer inspired by a cocktail. Black malt, lime, jaggery, saison yeast. 6.0% ABV. 12oz pour.
Dry-Hopped Cream Ale. Our cream ale (light, slight corn flavor) dry-hopped with a “shit ton” of Simcoe. Why? Ask Jeff or Danielle. 5.2% ABV. 16oz pour.
Interstate Cowboy. Cherry limeade gose made with lactose. DUUUUUDE 6.9% ABV. 12oz pour.
Space Dream. This braggot (barley and honey beverage) is brewed with copious amounts of wildflower honey and lavender, then fermented on blackberries. Available in bombers, too. 6.9% ABV. 12oz pour.
Seattle Cider. It’s a semi-dry cider, made in Seattle. Gluten free. 6.0% ABV. 12oz pour. $6
Stag. Belleville’s greatest contribution to human history. 5.0% ABV. 16oz pour. $3