- The Juice Evader. A variant on our Tax Evader Double IPA, this New England style IPA brings the juice! 9.4% ABV.
- Juicy Quad. Sour Belgian! 9.0% ABV.
- Lavender Braggot. Ashburne Mild malt and honey make up the fermentables in this truly delightful, hop-free beverage. 6.9% ABV.
- Rye ESB. Spicy, robust, gorgeous color. Brewer favorite. 5.9% ABV.
- Dark Mild. It’s darker than most milds and milder than most darks. If you’re the kind of dork that really loves Great Britain or hats that were popular a century ago this beer’s for you. 4.9% ABV. ***Last Keg Alert***
- Rhubarb Gruit. Hop-free blonde ale made with rhubarb and sumac. It’s surprising, in a good way. 5.6% ABV.
- Dry Brown. This brown finishes crisp and dry, making it an excellent early summer libation. 5.2% ABV.
- Chicken and Waffles Blonde. No chickens were harmed in the making of this beer. Rye, smoked paprika, fenugreek, a touch of salt. 6.6% ABV.
On deck: Dead Druid King, Riplet Gose, #Basic Blonde